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Our animal sightings

Find here the overview of what animals we have been allowed to see on our property so far, from one-time to daily encounters.

three to four times a week from the restaurant terrace

white headed capuchin monkey

daily groups on the trees to see and hear

various tucans

various squirrels

meanwhile daily on the trees in the jungle garden and interrace height


regularly visits the feeding board by the restaurant terrace


to be observed from time to time


nocturnal, occasionally visits the feeding board at the restaurant

black-and-white owl

several times on the flight through and once on a tree near the restaurant terrace

blue morpho butterfly

dayli in our garten

green iguana

visits daily the feeding board at the restaurant terrace

common basilisk

almost daily on his tree by the restaurant terrace and on the feed board


daily somewhere in the garden, partly with young animals

red macaws

fly over our property almost twice a day

observed almost daily during the rainy season

green black poison dart frog

daily around the buildings

various gecko-species

to observe from time to time on the property


live in several families on the property


daily in all imaginable varieties


from daily to now and then, depending on the season

montezumo oropendoa

Lesson's Motmot

regularly near the restaurant terrace

Great Curassow

seen or heard from time to time in the trees in the trees or on the ground

Gray-headed Chachalaca

regularly seen in the trees on the property

Squirell Monkey

show up in the trees every few weeks

Greater Grison

Probably live as a pair in our tool shed


sighted only twice so far, quite an impressive predator

Wildlife Impressions

Wildlife Impressions

Wildlife Impressions
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Tucans in our garden

Tucans in our garden

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Coati eating next to one of our bungalows

Coati eating next to one of our bungalows

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This channel is coming soon!

Comming soon!

we are still looking forward to....

...a sloth settles in the garden

...the red macaws land on our property

...we are surprised by nature with further discoveries

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